Author Guidelines

General Requirements

  1. Article Format: Articles must be written according to the template format.
  2. References: Use Mendeley software for the bibliography, with a minimum of 15 references, comprising 70% local and 30% international sources.
  3. Plagiarism Check: Articles must undergo a Turnitin plagiarism check with a score below 20%.
  4. Abstract: The abstract should be concise and factual (not exceeding 250 words). It must clearly describe the research objectives, methods and analysis techniques, brief research results, and important conclusions (the conclusion sentence in the abstract must be different from the one in the conclusion section).
  5. Title: Titles should be concise, informative, and should not include the identity/location of the research.


  • Paragraph : Explain the general phenomenon using data related to the variables studied.
  • Paragraph : Discuss the basic concepts of the variables studied.
  • Paragraph : Explain the importance of researching these variables.
  • Paragraph : Provide the state of the art (the development of the research topic in the last 5 to 10 years) with citations from research articles.
  • Paragraph : Detail the analysis gap from all previous research, the novelty of this research, the research objectives, and hypotheses.
  • All sections of the introduction should be written in continuous paragraphs without subheadings or numbering.

Research Methodology

  • Provide a detailed description of the type, approach, and methods used in the research. Include the research location and time span. The description should be clear and facilitate replication of the study. Do not include expert opinions on definitions.
  • Describe the characteristics of participants (population and sample), the number of populations and samples, the sampling technique, and the rationale for the sampling method and size.
  • Explain the measurement tools or instruments, how to test these instruments (validity and reliability), and provide descriptive results of the instrument tests. Do not copy-paste output from SPSS or present formulas only.
  • For qualitative research, explain the sources of data, how observations or interviews were processed, and the steps involved in using qualitative data analysis software.
  • Describe the steps for data analysis in both quantitative and qualitative research.
  • All sections of the methodology should be written in continuous paragraphs without subheadings or numbering.

Explain the research results in clear, descriptive paragraphs. Supplement the results with tables, images, or graphs as necessary. Avoid presenting the same data in tables, images, and graphs; choose only one format. Do not use numbering or bullet points. Do not use subheadings.

The discussion should include previous research results related to the variables studied. Each paragraph should contain 2 to 5 citations of previous research. The discussion can be combined with the results section or separate, but if separate, the discussion should not repeat explanations from the results. Include implications and limitations of the research.


  • The conclusion should summarize the key findings of the research without repeating the results or discussion. It should be written with different sentences than those in the abstract. Include recommendations.

General Writing Rules

  • All sections should be written in continuous paragraphs without numbering or subheadings.